Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Current Events

Top News Copies to Cross the HH desks:

A-Rod is the talk of nation after confessions of steroid use come out. Who will ask the question on everyone's mind: Madonna still dates you because...?

The AFP announced that French First Lady Carla Bruni is on her first AIDS trip this week. Meanwhile, Rolling Stone magazine announced that First Lady of Soul Aretha Franklin went on her first ACID trip since 1967 this week.

Woes in the California state budget may mean that state employees get to see Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger return to one of his more famous roles: The Terminator.

Despite the fact that millions of Americans are unprepared, the American television industry says it is still moving forward with plans to make the switch over to digital television. The good news is that at last we have proof that Rivers Cuomo is NOT the only person in the entertainment industry who hates his fans.

Tornado's in Oklahoma City this weekend have reminded citizens of the American Mid-West that you can never be to safe in a tornado warning situation. It has reminded the rest of America that they haven't seen a Bill Pullman movie in a while.

PRB '11

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